
From Text to Solutions: Leveraging Machine Learning and NLP for Issue Identification

20:00 - 20:25Místnost E104

This presentation will try to provide some technical background on one particular project that our team has been working on. The project itself focuses on developing an AI-driven system to analyze free-text comments and identify issues such as power problems or equipment failures, thereby streamlining problem resolution and reducing customer wait times. Our presenter will explain how various IT platforms, Machine Learning approaches and Natural Language Processing tools were applied to get the system into its final form.


Matej Svitek

Matej studied mathematics teaching at the Comenius University. He has been working at AT&T for 7 years in the PIXI AI/ML team, where from the beginning he collaborated with the Data-Science team from Tel Aviv on the development of an internal PySpark-based platform for ML pipelines.