
Key aspects of programming in Rust

19:30 - 19:55Místnost E112

Did you know that Rust has been named the most loved programming language every year since 2016 by the annual Stack Overflow Developer Survey? And that the U.S. White House Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) issued a report recommending Rust as a memory-safe programming language that should be used for all future code? Plus, did you know that YSoft uses Rust in multiple projects? At this point, you might be asking yourself: Should I learn Rust as a new programming language in 2024? Let's take a look at this highly regarded, modern systems programming language designed for performance and safety. We’ll explore the basics, including data types, error handling and package management, and dive into the key concepts that enable memory safety without a garbage collector, such as references, ownership, and borrowing. This lecture is an introduction to the language, designed for those with little to no knowledge of Rust. However, if you're already experienced and just enjoy hearing more about Rust, you’re more than welcome to join too!


Jan Kočí

Jan studoval kybernetickou bezpečnost na FIT VUT a nyní pracuje jako softwarový inženýr ve společnosti Y Soft. Jeho velkou vášní jsou bezpečnost, kryptografie a zpracování přirozeného jazyka (NLP). Ve volném čase je zapáleným, ale (podle svého zhodnocení) nepříliš talentovaným, kytaristou a fotbalistou